Virtual Visits
Employees want fast, easy access to medical care that meets the needs of their busy schedules.A Virtual Visit is live, online medical consultation with a licensed healthcare provider through video.Your employees can access this service while on-the-go through their smartphone, tablet or laptop.
Bundled Medical Services
For companies who are self-funded for health insurance, surgeries and other planned procedures can be extremely costly.We have developed a complete suite of direct pay surgical and other medical procedures.These Bundled Medical Services are provided by our top quality providers and include all costs related to a procedure in one low price.
Premier Discount Services
Complete the healthcare cost solving puzzle with our Premier Discount Services.When needed, it’s a great benefit to have low cost access to discounted medical office visits and ancillary service providers.Companies and their employees have more options and more choices on how they spend their healthcare dollar with AET’s Premier Discount Services.
Terms and Conditions
CPI-Exchange Solution
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